Sri. Saraswati Public School is in Ambejogai from 1st to 10th Std., affiliated to Maharashtra State Board and established in 1991on sprawling campus of 25 acres on hilly area of Nagzari 6 KM away from Ambejogai. At Sri. Saraswati Public School, we emphatically believe that excellent teachers are the most important element of excellent schools. Therefore, every aspect of our school is designed to support, develop, respect, and empower our teachers. Special emphasis on conducting various teachers training workshop is given. Time to time Seminars for the development of faculties are organised and thus we are known for one of the best faculties on the residential campus.
When the child is admitted to this school is of 4 years age and when he leaves the school he is of 15 age group. We believe that Parents have handover their precious baby in full faith in our hand and imbibing value based education is our responsibility and teachers at Shri. Sarasvati Public School took this as challenge and they spend every possible moment with the children. More than 1025 students are there on this residential campus and they take benefit of campus driven system.
At Sri. Sarasvati Public School, teachers are 'facilitators' as the School has adopted a 'student-centric' approach to learning. Teachers facilitate learning by helping their students to access information, encourage creativity and help in problem solving. A teacher essentially leads and guides the learning process. Regarded a facilitator, the teacher plans, and implements a code of instruction that adheres to the School's philosophy, goals and objectives. To facilitate individualized learning and teaching, our teachers harness the strengths and proclivities of each student with regard to specific intelligences and help to overcome their problems..
Principal Details

Mr. B. Sangappa
- M.I.T. School Campus Nagzari, Parali Road, Ambejogai Dist. Beed
- +91 24 46 24 7634, +91 97 30 03 5873
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ambejogai Campus
- Day/Residential School: Residential cum Days school
Admission Process
Std. | Age Criteria | Documents required | Online Process/ Manual Process | Payment Mode | Refund of Fees |
I | 6 years | Birth Certificate | Manual Process | D.D. | Store Deposit |
II to IV | 7 to 9 years | T.C. | Manual Process | D.D. | Store Deposit |
V to X | 10 to 15 years | T.C. | Manual Process | D.D. | Store Deposit |
Fees Structure
Fees Structure For the Year 2015-16
Sr. No. | Standard | Total Fees (with residential facility) |
1 | I and II | Rs. 75,000/- |
2 | III and IV | Rs. 80,000/- |
3 | V to VII | Rs. 85,000/- |
4 | VIII to X | Rs. 90,000/- |
Salient Features of the School
Physical Facilities:
- Excellent Building which provided Bright, well ventilated, large classrooms
- Excellent Library Facility is provided
- Special rooms such as Computer Lab, Math’s Room, Social Studies Room, Resources Library for reference work, Gymnasium, individual well equipped laboratories (for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Home Science)
- Outdoor game facilities for cricket, tennis, basketball and football, Kho-Kho, Volley ball, kabaddi is provided
- Gymnasium and Indoor games room
- Infirmary cum First Aid Room
- Audio-visual Room.
- Seminar and Conference Rooms
- Auditorium facility is provided
- Well qualified and trained teachers with sufficient exposure for providing an interactive and experiential teaching.
- Specialist teachers such as play and speech therapists, counselors (for child care unit for children with learning disabilities), Vocational Counselors and Career Masters, Computer Instructors, Theatre & Art Teachers, (coaches for indoor and outdoor games and martial arts training).
- Excellent remuneration package to attract the best teachers.
- Ample opportunities for teachers to grow with training programmers and workshops for improving subject content and skills, as also personal growth workshops.
- Opportunities for career growth and job enrichment.
- Participative management to develop self-pride and self-worth and assume institutional responsibility and ownership.
- Students from around the catchment (up to 5 km.) radius would be admitted.
- A maximum class size of 50 and student: teacher ratio 25:1 (max.) or less would be maintained.
- Students would have ample opportunities for self-study; parents would be expected to be co-operative and interactive partners in their children’s education. Parents would be expected to participate actively in committees, PTA and other.
- The school would prepare students for the Maharashtra School Secondary exams.
- There would be a constant non-stressful pressure of daily work.
- The curriculum would be child initiated at pre-school, child centered at primary and interactive, project and research oriented in the secondary.
- The curriculum would move in a very natural, sequential manner from primary until Std. X as a sort of continuum.
- Every opportunity for developing students native talent would be sought to be provided, Children would be encouraged to explore and reason; child to child interaction opportunities, debates, dramatics, quizzes as also live experiences through visits, guest’s lectures and audio-visual media would be provided.
Contact Details
- Sri. Saraswati Public School, Ambejogai
M.I.T. School Campus Nagzari,
Parali Road,
Ambajogai Dist. Beed - +91 2446-247634
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.