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- Education Beyond Books
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It is another visionary initiative of the MAEER MIT Pune. Vishwashanti Gurukul One of the best CBSE Indian boarding Gurukul Schools, VG Higher Secondary School, Pandharpur from 11th to 12th Std. (HSC) (Science)- along with coaching for IIT-JEE,NEET established on 15th June, 2011.
After completion of 10th std. it is turning point in every individual student’s life. We at Vishwashati Gurukul appreciate sincerity and determination to clear the important examination ahead of students . Students decision to consider science as a stream for further education is imperative.
For further life making decision whether to peruse in the technological line or medical and diagnosic sciences is very important and crucial to every individual students . We at MIT Vishwashanti emphasize on every individual students focus and guide them by rightly considering their choice.
Every smart individual realizes the importance of expert help at the right juncture. Behind every Edmund Hillary triumphantly waving a flag at the pinnacle is months of toil under the watchful eyes of a committed trainer.
At such life path making decision institutions plays important role . while working on the forefront we need to work out some magic formula that will open the gate to a favorite institutes. Hence we provide along with curriculum training competitive entrance exam training students . This benefit is no where available in areas like pandhrpur city.
Ofcourse there is no substitute for all the hard work students put in , but if we get knowledge, expertise and the right classroom culture. Our faculties will tell you how to channelize your efforts and how to focus your attention so that you are able to achieve maximum in minimum time. Our expertise will take you through so many simulations that when you face the real test you will have confidence of being on familiar ground. Our classroom culture will help you stay positive and motivated throughout.
We have a simple definition of our success: When you succeed, we succeed.
Principal Details

Ms. K. Sunetha
- +91 73 50 00 0802, +91 95 52 52 4629, +91 92 72 20 6100
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Pandharpur Campus
- Day / Residential School: Residential cum Day School
Admission Process
Eligibility of the student to take admission
Higher Secondary | Age – 16 - 18 years – Standard XI & XII (CBSE) |
Salient Features
- Spacious and sprawling Campus.
- Pollution free green environment.
- Aesthetically mesmerizing Campus.
- 100% result oriented.
- Qualified, Experienced and dedicated faculty and administrative Staff
- Balanced curricular and co-curricular activities for holistic development
- Properly equipped Art Craft and music room for aesthetic development of a child
- Well furnished, spacious residential facility
- Health and Medical Center
- Safe School Bus Facility available at affordable fee from a range of 40 km peripheral of the School
Education Beyond Books
In addition to our academic programmes, we offer an extensive array of extra-curricular activities with an assortment of clubs like nature club, music, drama, painting, press club etc. A balance is created by interspersing outdoor action with indoor skills like yoga, meditation, painting, acting, quiz, music and dance.
Students are encouraged to participate in various clubs and special time is allocated on Saturday and Sunday for club activities. The whole idea is to develop the children holistically.
Social Responsibility
One of the major missions of the Vishwashanti Gurukul Pandharpur is to develop the community and the feeling of giving back to the community amongst its students. Vishwashanti Gurukul Youth wing was formed in the school and is actively involved with adopting villages. The students visit the villages and communities and give street plays and presentations to create awareness.
In addition the children collect data and problems that are affecting the villages and try to provide practical most cost effective solutions
Nature Club
This club is being run by the student body and the members. They do meet every Saturday and have activities every Saturday and Sunday for the same.
Literary club
This also is another club run and managed by the student committee of the club with members. This is about reading, creative writing and presentations. They meet every Saturday and Sunday for various activities to fulfill the objectives of the club.
Music – Indian and Western with Classical and Western Dance Forms
Each morning, assembly begins with a meaningful piece of world peace music. Students are encouraged to listen carefully to the music as it helps relaxing, meditating and understanding.
This child friendly school has two periods of music a week as part of their CBSE course. Vocal as well as instrumental music is taught to every child. Indian as well as western forms of rhythms and ragas are incorporated in the music curriculum.
Indian classical and western forms of dances are taught to each child with focus being on developing the rhythm and stability of mind and body.
Arts and Crafts:
Students enjoy two periods of art teaching each week. Various forms of paintings, coloring and sketches are taught to children. Making of posters, craft items and the play with color enhances the creativity of the student.
The school believes that art is a form of collaborative learning and the art teacher collaborates with the subject teacher to enhance the visual understanding of concepts. In house art competitions are held with a house board competition each month to display talent. Students are sent for all external competitions at various levels.
English Language Communication, Speech and Drama
This is another area encouraged by the child friendly school where special emphasis is given to teaching English and extra classes are taken in evening for children. Children are encouraged and taught dramatics and performing arts in order to develop their communication skills and reduce their stage fright. Each child is put on stage during the morning assembly to hone his language skills and develop his performing talent. Special emphasis is given to 4 languages – English, Hindi, mother tongue and Sanskrit.
Contact Details
- Vishwashanti Gurukul Higher Secondary School, Pandharpur
A/P : Wakhari, Pandharpur - 413304 - 7721992277, 9272206100
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