It is just not a creative fest but a ready platform for practicing leadership and life skills. This Event has been one of the crown jewels of the institute's cultural, art and literary activities. Mere technical knowledge is not enough for the overall growth of the youth and a platform that would showcase the talents of students in various fields is a must. The remarkable skill of expressing oneself and convincing people of the innovative ideas is thus achieved through this activity called Abhivyakti.
Abhivyakti is an inter-collegiate literary festival organized at MIT Group of Institutions at Pune campus. The peculiarity of this festival is, it is totally executed by the students for the students under the MIT faculty guidance. This festival comprises of competitions of 'Painting', 'Debate', 'Extempore', 'Poetic Verse recitation',' Quiz', 'Movie Making',' One Act Play' in English as well as Marathi language.
These literary events bring out the expressions of the students and nurture their social and interactive skills.
Events such as 'Treasure hunt' and 'Snap hunt' not only make the participant to think and act quickly but also develop a feeling of competitiveness and physical endurance against time. Students enjoy such high order riddle solving games and always learn something before they leave the campus which being the prime motto of the entire festival.